Wednesday 17 June 2009

Bahrija Valley Development

Please find the statements issued to the press during the press conference today, Wednesday 17th June, 2009

Ramblers’ Association Statement:

Nixtiequkom gentilment twasslu lil-poplu Malti l-ispjegazzjoni ghaliex qeghdin niddeploraw il-hrug ta’ permess mill-Board tal-MEPA biex jinbena abitat gol-qalba tal-wied tal-Bahrija. Wahda mill-iskuzi li nghatat favur dan il-hrug kienet li matul is-sitt snin li fihom saru l-erba applikazzjonijiet ghal bini ebda oggezzjoni ma saret kontrihom, minkejja il-fatt li in-notifiki gew allegatament imwahhla ma hajt ta’ post sdingat.

Dan xejn ma hu minnu, ghaliex oggezzjonijiet saru fuq li saru. Ma sarux mill-pubbliku jew mill-ghaqdiet filantropici u ambjentali ghax mhux id-dover taghhom li jghassu lil min imhallas biex suppost jghamel l-affarijiet sew u skond id-direttivi. Imma saru propju minn min hu mghallem u imhallas appuntu ghalhekk – id-direttorat tal-MEPA. Infatti jekk wiehed jifli l-erba applikazzjonijiet li saru mis-sena 2000 sas-sena 2006 isib li l-uffijali tad-direttorat ghamlu record ta’oggezzjonijiet professjonali kontra dan l-izvilup. Mhux kontestazzjonijiet frivoli imma argumenti sodi ibbazati fuq principji u direttivi validi mehudin mil-Pjan ta’ Struttura li jirregola l-izvilup sostenibbli tal-pajjiz.

L-istorja tal-kas tibda fis-sena 2000 meta saret applikazzjoni 02835/00 ghal “outline development permission” ghar-rihabilitazzjoni u estenzjoni ta’ binja rurali mhux uzata. Dan il-permess gie rifjutat mill DCC Board principalment ghaliex ma jaqax f’zona ta’zvilupp u ma kienx ta’ bzonn essenzjali la ghall-agrikoltura, la ghall-ekologija u lanqas ghall-valur visiv, kif jitlob il-Pjan ta’ Zvilupp.. Mhux biss, id-direttorat sab li din l-applikazzjoni tikser mhux anqas min17-ildirettiva ta’ l-istess Pjan.

Filwaqt li rrifjuta l-applikazzjoni, id-DCC laqa’ t-talba ghal rikunsiderazzjoni u l-permess hareg minghajr ma ma tidher ebda spjegazzjoni. B’hekk issa is-sit gie kopert bl-outline permit PA2835/00 “To reconstruct the existing structure with very minor alterations to facilitate use”

Sfaccatamnet l-applikant rega’ talab (PA06321/02) ir-rihabilitazzjoni tal-abitazzjoni esistenti, pero gew sottomessi pjanti ghad-demolizzjoni totali tal-istruttura esistenti, u mhux ta’ rihabilitazzjoni. Kien kas car ta’irregolarita,’ minbarra il-fatt li jikser is-17-il direttiva ta’ qabel. Id-Direttorat mal-ewwel induna b’din l-irregolarita’ u l-ksur tad-direttiva PLP20 u ghalhekk irrakkomanda li l-applikazzjoni tigi rifjutata.

Ghat-tieni darba d-Direttorat ma gie ikkalkolat xejn. Bla kliem u bla qies id-DCC hareg il-permess ghall-izvilupp mitlub. Tant ghagglu jew ma kienux jafu x’qed jaghmlu tad-DCC li filwaqt li taw permess ghal-demolizzjoni totali, fil Restoration Method Statement: PA2835/00/42 nizzlu l-kundizzjoni li d-demolizzjoni ghanda tinzamm minima u li jekk isir bini gdid totali jew il-bini gdid ikun sostanzjali, dan il-permess ta’ zvilupp jintilef. Kundizzjoni ohra kienet li l-footprint esterna totali ma teccedix il-95 metru kwadru u lj is-sit koinvolt ma jeccedix il-134 metru kwadru.

Allura bl-applikazzjoni 05846/04 intalab tibdil fil-kundizzjonijiet rilevanti. Hawn id-direttorat ma setax ma jiblax kollox halli jghatti l-izball tad-DCC. Hekk dan il-permess hareg ukoll.

L-ahhar applikazzjoni 07719/06 lahqet il-qofol tal-misthija ghaliex gie propost, permess ta’ pjanti riveduti, li jsiru emendi ghal-permess ta’ 2002 biex tikber il-footprint u anke il-floor area, minhabba precedenti f’diversi decizjonijiet tad-DCC fejn gew accettati estensjonijiet f’abitazzjonijiet fl-ODZ sa massimu ta’ 200 metru kwadru. Mela l-applikant talab li min 95 metru kwadru l-footprint titla’ ghal-137 metru kwadru u li min 134.44 is-sit koinvolt jitla’ ghal 198 metru kwadru. Id-Direttorat innota li ma nghatat ebda gustifikazzjoni ghal din l-estensjoni. Imma bla dubju ta’ xejn il-perit deherlu li issa li is-sit ser jinbena totalment mill-gdid ma ghandux jibqa l-irbit tas-sit antik distrutt.

F’erba’ pagni shah id-direttorat jelenka is-17-ildirettiva mill-Pjan ta’ Sruttura applikabbli ghal dan is-sit. Jzid maghhom 18-il direttiva ohra mil Pjan Lokali (NWMLP) miksurin min dan l-izvilupp. Itenni li is-sit huwa protett fl-aktar livel gholi ghall-Importanza tieghu Ekologika u Xjentifika u ebda zvilupp ma ghandu jigi permess jekk mhux wara Environment Impact Assessment sodisfacenti, approvat mill-Awtorita. Jirrimarka,b’rabja li thossha: “Dan mhux accettabbli ghaliex il-provvedimenti li jipprotegu l-ambjent min zvilupp mhux xieraq qed jigu evitati b’successjoni ta’ misuri parzjali mehudin fuq tul ta’zmien li allura jgibu zvilupp li jeccedi sew dak li kien intenzjonat originarjament ta’ “reconstruction of existing structures with very minor alteration to facilitate use”

Hawnhekk id-Direttorat jidher li ried icanfar lil-Perit Robert Musumeci ghal-makakkerija tieghu biex jotjeni dak li mhux permess skond id-direttivi.

Fil-konkluzjoni d-Direttorat joggezzjona ghaliex il-perit ried jamenda il-permess PA06321/02 li ma kienx ghadu izjed validu, ghax dahal floku PA05846/04, liema permess igorr mieghu il-kundizzjoni tal-kejl originali li allura bid-dritt ghandu japplika. Minhabba li il-proposta tal-perit kienet fundamentalment oggezzjonabbli d-Direttorat ma ghamel ebda komunikazzjoni mal-perit Musumeci ghax ma kienx kas li jissolva simpliciment bi pjanti riveduti. Id-Direttorat ta’ lista twila ta’ ragunijiet validissimi ghaliex qed jirrakkomanda li l-applikazzjoni tigi michuda.

Din l-istorja turi bic-car li l-istruttura tal-MEPA iddeterjorat tant li min hu makakk fil-proceduri ghandu l-ikbar cans li jdawwar decizjoni. Perit mharreg sew fil-proceduri u il-mankamenti evidenti fi hdan il-MEPA, jista’ ikisser ir-rakkommandazzjonijiet ta’ min hu mghallem u struwit fix-xoghol tieghu. Bhal-avukat tajjeb fil-qorti bit-tghawwig legalistiku u ir-retorika tieghu jinfluwenza u jdawwar kif irid il-gurija nieqsa min taghlim legali, hekk wkoll perit li ghawwar fil-proceduri u fir-regolamenti tal-MEPA ixejjen ghal-kollox dak li id-difensuri tas-sewwa ikunu irrakkomandaw. Applikazzjonijiet mal-MEPA saru loghba ghal periti li huma kapaci izebilhu dawn id-direttivi.


Nature Trust Malta statement


Sent to MEPA:
1. 26th February 2009 to NPU and EPD
Dear Sir or Madam,
We would like to enquire whether the development below is being monitored as it is located in an extremely sensitive site just adjacent to the protected Maltese Freshwater Crab and a unique watercourse.
We would like to receive a copy of the conditions imposed on such a development and what mitigation measures are being taken to ensure that no debris (from the current digging works) falls into the stream below. Moreover we would like to be assured that no artifical lighting will be introduced in the area as a result of this development permit.

07719/06Site at, Wied Tal-Marca, l/o Bahrija, Rabat Amendments to approved permit PA 6321/02 (to rehabilitate dwelling).Ms Marthese Said

2. Sent again on 3rd March to ENF, NPU and EPD.

3. 24th March to NPU, WFD
Nature Protection Unit MEPA
Water Framework Directive

Further to our email below to EPD and NPU dated 26th February, please find attached photos of the area. These have also been sent to the press.
We are deeply concerned with the site’s deterioration over the years and would like to ask whether any monitoring and sampling is being done on site considering this is a unique habitat and one of the few sites supporting the protected endemic freshwater crab, a good number of the protected Painted Frog as well as rare plant species.
The concerns are in connection with:
· A permit which was granted (Outside Scheme) PA/07719/06 adjacent to this site – please refer to email below. Has any mitigation against sediment overspill been taken?
· Lately water seems to have more algae growing in it which could possibly be a sign of excess nitrates
· Part of the watercourse has had a small diversion – previous running water where crabs used to be abundant has now turned into almost stagnant water

We hereby request that the following be looked into for possible infringements:
1. DPA GN 63 and 400 of 1996
2. The Habitats Directive
2. The Water Framework Directive

Skedat: Level 1 . GN 63/96; 400/96

A.L. 311 ta’ l-2006 Regolamenti ta’ l-2006 dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Flora, Fawna u Ambjenti Naturali

Query: What were conditions imposed for nature protection?
Was appropriate assessment carried out? If not, how was it decided it wasn’t necessary?

14 (2) L-Awtorità Kompetenti g[andha tieħu dawk il-passi biex
fis-siti protetti, tkun evitata d-deterjorazzjoni ta’ l-ambjenti naturali u lambjenti
ta’ speçi, kif ukoll id-disturb ta’ l-ispeçi li minħabba fihom i]-
]ona ;iet indikata b[ala tali, kemm il-darba dan id-disturb ikun sinifikanti
in relazzjoni ma’ l-objettivi ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti.

14 (5) L-Awtorità Kompetenti g[andha tippromwovi u tinforza
t-tmexxija u l-użu b’mod sostenibbli tas-siti protetti, u dan skond ilkategoriji
ta’ protezzjoni fi [dan is-siti protetti>
B 4230
I]da tali tmexxija jew u]u m’g[andhomx jikkompromettu listruttura
u l-funzjoni tal-biodiversità, inkluż żoni fl-art, żoni mal-kosta,
art mg[addsa u l-kolonna ta’ l-ilma li magħhom huma assoçjati.

(Ekwivalenti ghal 13. (1) ta 257 of 2003):
19. (1) Meta, fl-opinjoni ta’ l-Awtorità Kompetenti, applikazzjoni ghall-kunsens mag[mula taht dawn ir-regolamenti, tikkonçerna operazzjoni jew attività li hi, jew tifforma parti minn pjan jew progett li
(a) m’huwiex direttament konness ma’ jew neçessarju ghat-tmexxija ta’ sit protett, u
(b) x’aktarx ikollha effett sinifikanti fuqha, kemm individwalment kemm flimkien ma’ pjanijiet jew progetti ohra, l-Awtorità Kompetenti ghandha taghmel, jew tobbliga lill-applikant biex jaghmel, evalwazzjoni adatta, fuq l-implikazzjoni ta’ l-operazzjoni jew attività fuq is-sit tenut kont ta’ l-ghanijiet tal-konservazzjoni tas-sit. U

(3) Meta l-Awtorità Kompetenti taghti l-kunsens taghha taht
dan ir-regolament, hija ghandha tiehu dawk il-mizuri kompensatorji
kollha biex tara li l-koerenza generali tan-Network Natura 2000 tkun
protetta. L-Awtorità Kompetenti g[andha tavza lill-Kummissjoni bil-mizuri kompensatorji addodatti.

23. (1) L-Awtorità Kompetenti tista’, meta tqis il-provvedimenti
ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti u kunsiderazzjonijiet ohra ta’
sustanza, b’avviz notifikat lis-sid jew lil min jokkupa dak is-sit, teztie;
li xi uzu jew attività jew xogholijiet jieqfu jew li xi bini, impjant, attrezzi
jew haga ohra hi x’inhi tigi mnehhija mis-sit, jew te[tie; kemm dak ittwaqqif
kemm dik it-tnehhija.
(2) Meta ordni ghat-twaqqif jew tnehhija ssir dwar hidma,
xoghlijiet jew uzu jew bini, impjant, attrezzi jew haga ohra li tkun qed
issir jew li tkun te]isti skond il-li;i fuq is-sit msemmija fl-avvi] qabel
il-bidu fis-se[[ ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti, jew li jkun inbeda jew beda
je]isti wara l-bidu fis-se[[ ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti skond permess g[alli]
vilupp mog[ti ta[t l-Att dwar l-Ippjanar ta’ l-I]vilupp, l-Awtorità
Kompetenti jkollha l-obbligu li t[allas kumpens g[al kull telf li persuna
ssofri min[abba l-avvi]>
I]da kull benefiççju li jo[ro; mill-istess avvi] g[andu ji;i
mnaqqas mit-telf hawn qabel imsemmi.

25 (ç) id-distruzzjoni u d-deterjorazzjoni ta’ siti ta’ tnissil jew
postijiet ta’ mistrie[ g[al dawk l-annimali elenkati fi Skeda V(a) u
VI(a) ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti hu projbit<

26. (1) L-ispeçi endemiçi kollha huma protetti, bl-eççezzjoni
ta’ dawk l-ispeçi elenkati fi Skeda X ta’ dawn ir-regolamenti.

33. L-Awtorità Kompetenti g[andha, kemm hu possibbli u
skond il-ka]>
(a) tirrijabilita u tirrestawra ekosistemi degradati u
tippromwovi l-irkupru ta’ speçi li jkunu mhedda, inter alia,
permezz ta’ l-i]vilupp u l-implimentazzjoni ta’ pjanijiet jew
strate;iji ta’ mani;;ar o[ra<
(ç) tag[mel sforz biex tipprovdi l-kundizzjonijiet me[tie;a
g[all-kompatibilità bejn u]u pre]enti u l-konservazzjoni taddiversità
biolo;ika u l-u]u sostennibbli tal-komponenti tag[ha.

Skeda III

Skeda V
STRICT PROTECTION: Including Hedgehog, Chameleon, Painted Frog

Skeda VI

Structure Plan:
POLICY RCO 27: Developments which involve the excavation of significant quantities of Blue Clays will not be permitted.
Query – sar moniteraġġ?
POLICY RCO 28: Valleys will continue to be protected as important water catchment areas.
POLICY RCO 29: No new physical development will normally be allowed on the sides of valleys and especially on valley watercourses except for constructions aimed at preventing soil erosion and the conservation and management of water resources.

LN 194/2004 Water Policy Framework Regulations :
Sit protett MT 301 Bahrija Valley System
Article 8(1): monitoring of water status by Nov 2006

Query: Hydrologist advice?Kif se jiġi affetwata is-sistema idrodinamika tal-wied li diġa batuta?

Case officer report:

Buffer Zone - Area of Archaeological Importance (GN278/98)
· Watercourse at Wied il-Bahrija & Wied Rini, from il-Ponta tal-Qlieghi to ta’Derfila – Level 1
Site of Scientific Importance and Level 1 Area of Ecological Importance (GN63/96 & GN444/95)
· Coastal Cliffs – Level 2 Area of Ecological Importance (GN400/96)
· Special Area of Conservation – International Importance (LN257/03 & GN223/05)


Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar declare:

FAA would like to stress yet again that the NGOs here are not against development, even in the countryside, as long as it is legitimate, however regrettably this Bahrija permit is not an isolated case but one of many out of development zone (ODZ) permits that continue to flow out of MEPA in spite of all the promises that development in the countryside will be stopped.

One loses count of all the valleys that are currently threatened by development or have recently suffered partial or total destruction. These include the Nadur Cemetery site, Ghadira and Wied Ghajn Zejtuna at Mellieha, Wied il-Ghasel Mosta, Telgha ta' Alla u Ommu San Pawl tat-Targa, Wied Incita Attard, Wied Garnaw Sta Lucia, Wied il-Kalkara as well as the open space at the Marsascala public garden. How much longer are we going to see damaging applications repeatedly refused by the MEPA Directorate, only to be overturned by the DCC boards?

Why is it that applications that are refused to most architects are then granted to a small number of architects who seem to have extraordinary powers to have permits approved at DCC, reconsideration and appeal stage? A case in point is the 23 applications that were refused to Perit Musumeci by the Case Officer in 2005 but subsequently all accepted by these boards.

Why should we be living in a two-tier society where some have to obey to within an inch of the law, while others are aided in sidestepping the law by architects who are politicians on both sides of the house, the very people who one would expect to uphold the law? What does that reflect on our political parties?

Why is it that recent changes at MEPA made it even more difficult for the public to access information on the MEPA website and why is the public being denied its legal right to view application forms? How much longer are we going to hear that MEPA only considers trees to be of value if they are of a protected species forming part of an protedcted woodland, while trees in gardens and fields are not protected. Why must we sit back and watch beautiful green areas destroyed by chainsaw while MEPA refuses to take action until everything is destroyed, and then claims that it can find no evidence of protected flora and fauna, as was the case when what was left of the beautiful green Kalkara valley was razed to the ground last month?

How many more cases of institutionalised abuse are we going to see before MEPA reform finally takes effect, and can the public be blamed for feeling that in spite of all the promises, MEPA is still hand in glove with developers?


R.Debono said...

Why haven't you done this before the election?

Ramblers Association of Malta said...

To R Debono: Get a life! Do you need to link everything to elections?

R.Debono said...

I got a life - that's why I left a comment. Because I give a shit about the environment, and I also know that everything is linked with politics, even NGOs.

Look, Im sorry you got offended, but an investigation by the Mepa auditor does not automatically mean that the development will be halted, or that it will be 'revised' whatever that means. What if the investigation turns out to be a fluke? Wouldn't you regret not capitalizing the elections?
At the end of the day that's the only weapon against politicians, right?

Ramblers Association of Malta said...

If you think that the timing of the protest was linked to the elections, you are grossly mistaken.

R.Debono said...

I don't think we are on the same wavelength. The protest is linked with the elections, and if you think that it wasn't, then it explains how Astrid Vella is able to set your agenda so easily.

The fact that you are attacking only R. Musumeci (who is unwelcome in PN) and intentionally leaving out Victor Scerri (PN president) should have been enough to enlighten you on Astrid's attempt to help PN get rid of its unwanted 'pieces'. That's why the protest wasn't done before elections, coz it would have harmed the PN.

Nice one! You have successfully become a PN puppet, steered by Astrid Vella.....

"Wisdom too often never comes, and so one ought not to reject it merely because it comes late"
Felix Frankfurter

so now the question comes naturally - what are you going to do about it?

Ramblers Association of Malta said...

It's just as we thought - L-ikbar trux ....

No matter what anyone else says, and even if the truth hits you in the face, you will keep on thinking the same fallacies. Are you reading DCG's rants, by any chance?