Saturday, 29 October 2005

Original RAM Statute


GM Approved Statute

1. Title.

The Association shall be named THE RAMBLERS’ ASSOCIATION OF MALTA,

herein called “the Association”.

2. Address.

The address of the Association shall be situated at 24, Sir Adrian Dingli Street, Sliema or any such venue that the Committee shall later determine.

3. Purpose & Objectives.

The Association shall be a non-profit voluntary non-governmental organisation set up to promote the following aims and objectives:

1 To promote rambling activities as a means of education on the Maltese natural and cultural endowment and as a means of a healthy lifestyle,

2 To develop and protect the natural beauty and the cultural heritage of the Maltese Islands,

3 To organise educational activities and to convey information useful to all ramblers,

4 To identify and to ensure the maintainance of a network of public footpaths in the open countryside,

5 To establish and to preserve the right of access to the open countryside and to the coastal zones,

6 To make representations to competent authorities and institutions in order to ensure law enforcement with regard to citizens’ rights in accordance with the Environment Commission of the European Union,

7 To encourage and organise exchanges among ramblers in order to strengthen mutual understanding internationally.

4. Membership.

1. All persons believing in the objectives of the Association may become members on payment of the membership fee. Such membership will entitle them to:

(i) the right to vote at the General Meetings; (ii) participate in the activities organised by the Association; (iii) receive publications issued by the Association;

2. Members who fail to pay their annual subscription for two years in succession will forfeit membership status.

3. The Committee has the right to withdraw or withhold the membership of an applicant; however the applicant will have the right to appeal to the General Meeting for reinstatement. In this case, a two thirds majority of members present at the General Meeting is required to over-rule the decision of the committee.

5 Committee

1. A committee of eleven members will administer the functions of the Association. The committee members will occupy the following roles: President, Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Pubic Relations Officer, and five other members. If, at any time the law requires that the Association nominates or be represented by an administrator, the President of the Committee at the time of coming into force of such law shall act as administrator, provided that the Committee may at a meeting of its members, appoint any other one of its number to act as administrator in lieu of the President. The administrator shall be vested with the legal and judicial representation of the Association.

2. The Committee may co-opt up to three members to help in its work. Co-opted members will not carry the right to vote.

3. The Committee shall have the authority and the responsibility to formulate policy and procedure to ensure that all members will pursue the Objectives of the Association effectively and to determine membership fees.

4. The Committee shall be authorised to register the Association as a legal person or to enrol the Association in terms of law if and when applicable and if the Committee deems fit. Accordingly the Committee shall be authorised to apply for grants, sponsorships or other financial aid or such exemptions, privileges or other entitlements that the Government may make available to voluntary organisations from time to time.

5. The President and the committee members will be elected by the General Meeting and their term of office will last two years after which they may seek re-election. A person cannot be re-elected to the Presidency for more than two consecutive terms. Unsuccessful candidates with the highest number of votes will fill any vacancy that may occur during the term of office. Failing this the Committee may co-opt members of the Association.

6. No person who holds a position on the executive committee of another environmental organisation or a political party may be nominated for election or allowed to become a committee member. Any existing committee member will forfeit membership automatically if he/she contests the election of such same executive committees.

7. Any committee member who fails to attend three consecutive meetings without reasonable justification will relinquish his post. The Committee may remove a member from its ranks as it deems fit by a secret vote, and the decision will require a majority of at least seven members. The expelled member will have the right to appeal to the General Meeting for reinstatement. A two thirds majority of members present at the General Meeting is required to over-rule the decision of the committee.

8. The President or the Secretary may convene committee meetings as frequently and as necessary as deemed fit, but at least once every two months. Prior notice and agenda will be circulated to all members of the committee one week in advance.

9. Any two members may call a meeting by written request to the Secretary, who will convene the meeting within ten days.

10. Five members will form a quorum.

6. Annual General Meeting,

1. The Annual General Meeting will be convened on the first Saturday in February of every year with the following Agenda:

  1. President’s Address
  2. Annual Administrative Report for the previous year ending 31 December
  3. Annual Statement of Accounts and Auditors’ Report
  4. Consider and carry amendments, if any
  5. Appointment of Auditors (two) for current year
  6. Confirm, or Hold Election for, President and Committee, as case may be
  7. Any Other Matters.

2. The General Meeting may also appoint not more than two Honorary Presidents, and Honorary Members by simple majority of members present.

7. Extraordinary General Meeting

1. The Secretary will call an extraordinary General Meeting within one month from date of a written request by at least fifty paid up members of the Association to consider those matters they referred to on the requisition notice. The relative notice will be circulated to all members of the Association at least one week before the meeting.

2. Half the number of the paid-up members will form a quorum for any General Meeting. The quorum will fall to 20 members after the lapse of 15 minutes from the publicised time of the meeting.

8. Amendments

1. No articles of the present statute shall be altered or rescinded, nor any new ones incorporated, unless notice of details of such alterations is received by the Secretary thirty days prior to date of General Meeting. The Secretary is obliged to circulate such detailed notice to all members of the Association twenty days before the date. Two thirds majority of voting members present at the General Meeting can carry the amendment through.

9. Dissolution

1. The Association will not be dissolved unless there is unanimous agreement by all members present for the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association specially convened for the purpose.

2. In case the Association is dissolved all the net assets pertaining to it at the time will ipso facto become property of the environmental organisation Din l-Art Helwa.

Approved by the General Meeting of the Association on 29 October 2005.

Monday, 13 June 2005

19 organisations support Minister’s comments about Bahrija

From the Malta Independent 13th June 2005

19 organisations support Minister’s comments about Bahrija
A total of 19 organisations have supported a statement by Environment Minister George Pullicino concerning Bahrija and Fomm ir-Rih who said: “We owe it to ourselves and to future generations to keep this area as open countryside”.

Recent events, rumours and misleading advertising of the area have given rise to concerns about the uncertain future of this unique locality which seemed to be the target of speculation.

The organisations concerned include Moviment Graffitti, Nature Trust, Friends of the Earth Malta, Ceratonia, Pembroke Residents Association, Grupp Arkeologiku Malti, Din l-Art Helwa, Malta Organic Agriculture Movement, The Ramblers Association of Malta, Dripht, Zminijietna, The GAIA Foundation, The Archaeological Society Malta, Inizjamed, Save Wied Garnaw Action Group, Siggiewi Action Group for the Environment , BICREF, BirdLife Malta and Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna together with political party Alternattiva Demokratika and Rabat local council mayor.

When contacted, the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage told this group that it is seriously concerned about the speculation and is closely monitoring developments. The SCH said it fully understands the concerns of the general public and NGOs regarding the further loss of part of our cultural landscape from the public domain. The Cultural Heritage Act 2002 specifically promotes access to cultural heritage, including cultural landscapes. The act devotes a whole article (4 (5) to the principle of access to the cultural heritage. In particular, this article speaks of the duty to make heritage accessible not only for research but also for public enjoyment. The act views the appreciation and awareness of cultural heritage as an important component of social inclusion.

The SCH said that its stand will be against development in the area but pointed out that it cannot, however, intervene to stop the sale of land. The area in question should be provided with the fullest protection possible. Scheduling of the area has already been made by Mepa and has been published at Grade A on the Mepa website. This means that the area is protected under the Development Planning Act and the Cultural Heritage Act 2002. The SCH has told this group that it would, therefore, intervene, along with Mepa, in the event of illegal development. All applications for development on scheduled sites have to be approved by the SCH first, according to the Cultural Heritage Act. Finally, the Cultural Heritage Act states that: “the protection, promotion and accessibility of the cultural heritage shall be given very high priority in deciding public policy in all fields of activity in Malta”.

However the organisations said they still await the full commitment by the government to declare the area from Il-Qlejgha tal-Bahrija to Gnejna as part of our common heritage and to prepare management plans for the areas as requested by EU obligations for protected sites.

The organisations also called upon the government to declare the coast, including the cliffs, as public property and to enact Structure Plan Policy CZM 03 which stipulates: “Public access around the coastline immediately adjacent to the sea or at the top of cliffs (including in bays, harbours, and creeks) will be secured. This will include taking shore lands into public ownership.”