Both leaders pledge to solve Armier problem

The boathouses on public land in Armier. Photo: Darrin Zammit Lupi
The leaders of the two main political parties yesterday said they were committed to finding a solution to the boathouses’ occupation of public land in Armier.
The injustice is there – how can you talk about a just solution when the injustice is there?
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said a Nationalist government would strive to find a solution, which had not been found during the past legislature.
When asked specifically about the subject during a press conference yesterday morning, Dr Gonzi said the PN would not go back on its word and commitment given to the boathouse owners, even in writing, in 2003 and again in 2008. He did not specify what that commitment was.
He said the Government had tried to find a solution through the Malta Environment and Planning Authority but none had been found. He pledged that the Government would continue trying to find a solution.
Alternattiva Demokratika is, so far, the only political party saying that the Armier boathouses should go. As a result of his position, chairman Michael Briguglio has received a written threat at his former address which is being investigated by the police.
Later yesterday, Labour Leader Joseph Muscat was also quizzed about the boathouses during a meeting he had with environmental organisations who pushed him to clearly explain what decisions he would take over the Armier issue.
“We believe there could be a fair solution for all,” he replied.
He referred to Dr Gonzi’s statement about honouring commitments. “I hope I’m misquoting him – there might be an agreement we don’t know about so we need to see what the Prime Minister was referring to and what commitments there are,” he said.
Angelo Camilleri, from Friends of the Earth, and Alex Vella, from Ramblers Association insisted that the Armier case was an injustice.
“We want to know how you will tackle the problem when you are in government. The injustice is there – how can you talk about a just solution when the injustice is there?” Mr Vella said.
“How can it be fair for me who never took anything?” he told Dr Muscat.
The NGOs also expressed solidarity with Dr Briguglio over the threat he had received.
D Fenech
Today, 16:01
I was wondering who will b addressing d issue of single mothers who r not single mothers at all, of 'father unknown' children who know very well who their father is, of mothers who claim that they don't know who they slept with, all to get money for nothing from our taxes. This is what should b addressed. This is costing d country loads of money. Jew qed nibzaw li nitilfu xi vot????
Report abuse
Reply to D Fenech
GL Calleja
Today, 17:01
That is why this government has to fix the present before they promise the future. Are people that gullible or are we really a bunch of CWIEC.
Today, 15:08
The only solution is to give the land back to the people of Malta, both PL and PN should state exactly what is to be done before the election, that way we the people of Malta would know exactly which way to vote.
GL Calleja
Today, 14:13
Legal or illegal? That is the question. One can say these shanties are illegal because they are built on public land. Then on the other hand most of these boathouse owners are and have been paying for all utilities, electricity, water and sewer connections. Question: If these boathouses are illegal why would the government let them have an electricity and a water meter installed by the government?
Reply to GL Calleja
Steve M. Engerer
Today, 13:28
To both leaders..
The only solution is to return the land in its original state & the encroachers have to pay a hefty fine!!
Any other solution is unacceptable for the law abiding citizen!!!
Reply to Steve M. Engerer
James Tyrrell
Today, 13:07
No matter which way the political parties twist it these buildings are illegal. Why should anyone be rewarded for breaking the law and in the process creating an eyesore for everyone else. They should be given a fair amount of time, say 6 months, to remove anything they want. At the end of that time the buildings should be bulldozed. Nothing complicated about that is there?
Reply to James Tyrrell
Joseph Bartolo
Today, 13:07
It is always possible to compromise. In this case what is the main objective? Its not revenge or getting money from the squatters. Its getting the land back to how it was.
So one simple solution would be to accept that they have been there for X years free of charge, and give them a few more years (say 5 or 10 years "enjoyment") then they would have to move out. Govt. can do any demolishing then.
So one simple solution would be to accept that they have been there for X years free of charge, and give them a few more years (say 5 or 10 years "enjoyment") then they would have to move out. Govt. can do any demolishing then.
Reply to Joseph Bartolo
Today, 12:10
The only acceptable way is to bulldoze the slum buildings, fine the owners for the illegal
building and use of public land, and fine the owners for corrupting Enemalta officials to
obtain electricity service. The owners should be fined for forming a group of more than
3 people to break the law. Il-Bqija Gonzi u Muscat qieghdin tidhku bil-poplu, u l-vot
tghana jmur ghand ALTERNATTIVA ! SHAME
building and use of public land, and fine the owners for corrupting Enemalta officials to
obtain electricity service. The owners should be fined for forming a group of more than
3 people to break the law. Il-Bqija Gonzi u Muscat qieghdin tidhku bil-poplu, u l-vot
tghana jmur ghand ALTERNATTIVA ! SHAME
Reply to A. MICALLEF
Franco Attard Trevisan
Today, 14:02
i couldn't have said it any better!
GL Calleja
Today, 14:24
Mr Micallef I think you might have the better idea because neither government or any of the two leading parties has the cahunas to do anything about the situation. The government is the one that granted permission for the boathouses in the first place when they gave them utilities. I think that makes these boathouses legal and only a court could decide their fate and not a political party.
Kevin Grixti
Today, 12:04
I should take some land....if you tell me that i have to remove my building i just send some threats and i will get a free land.
Good job both parties... that's how we treat people breaking the law? Give them free stuff if they give me a vote in the next election?
Good job both parties... that's how we treat people breaking the law? Give them free stuff if they give me a vote in the next election?
Reply to Kevin Grixti
Raymond Sammut
Today, 11:55
And what about that tourist-money-generating pinu chapel at Dwejra? Isn't that too built on public land right next to the water?
What is this "solution" that Gonzi and Muscat keep harping about? They have to clear illegal structures, and create national parks for all.
Gonzi and Muscat will soon be kissing the crucifix, while Armier, like the rest of Malta, keeps getting raped.
What is this "solution" that Gonzi and Muscat keep harping about? They have to clear illegal structures, and create national parks for all.
Gonzi and Muscat will soon be kissing the crucifix, while Armier, like the rest of Malta, keeps getting raped.
Reply to Raymond Sammut
R. Caruana
Today, 11:43
The solution needs no searching, it's always been there. Give public land back to the people. Administrations simply lack the guts to apply it with bulldozers.
Reply to R. Caruana
Marco Lenzo
Today, 11:27
Why parties are more scared of losing votes by taking a clear position on such a blatant example of illegality rather than focusing on the votes they would gain by doing so?
Give the example and be transparent in what you intend to do. Do not try to circumvent the problem. Solve it!
Give the example and be transparent in what you intend to do. Do not try to circumvent the problem. Solve it!
Reply to Marco Lenzo
Charles Zammit
Today, 11:20
How very right you are Mr Tony Gatt , that is the only just solution !!! Theft normally ends up with a custodial sentence !!
Reply to Charles Zammit
Ms Borg
Today, 11:08
Non boat houses owners let's unite our forces and take a piece of land by the sea and make it ours. The Government will surely find a solution for each of remain there obviously and not to put us out :-)
Reply to Ms Borg
Jay Oatmon
Today, 11:04
The answer is to price each small plot rental at 5,000 euros per year in advance, and bulldoze those not prepared to pay rent. Once the thieves are out (they have no title), set out a proper development plan with parking and rental units and tastefully redevelop some of the land, leaving large areas for landscaping/parks.
Reply to Jay Oatmon
Charles Cremona
Today, 11:04
I don't believe either of them all we are getting especially from Labour is wafflle and promises they know they cannot keep, if they really mean business about Armier then they should tell us what they believe should happen.
Reply to Charles Cremona
Jay Oatmon
Today, 10:59
With politicians we can expect lots of talk and no action unless there is a benefit for the politicians or their families.
We can expect no action with the disgraceful courts fiasco's and delays, as well as the 'flats first and parking last' development policy - both situations make money as they are, so we can expect some talk but no real changes.
We can expect no action with the disgraceful courts fiasco's and delays, as well as the 'flats first and parking last' development policy - both situations make money as they are, so we can expect some talk but no real changes.
Reply to Jay Oatmon
GL Calleja
Today, 14:28
Mr Oatman as they say" Don't believe anything you hear and only believe half of what you see" especially when it come to politics and politicians. True or false?
John Grech
Today, 10:29
Since under the Maltese constitution every body is equal, if the illegal buildings are sanctioned all other illegal structures have also to be legalised.
Take the offenders to court and make them pay for the restoration of the site to its original status.
Take the offenders to court and make them pay for the restoration of the site to its original status.
Reply to John Grech
Mr Tony Gatt
Today, 09:50
I should think a few bulldozers would solve the problem fairly quickly. After cutting off water and electricity supplies, of course.
Reply to Mr Tony Gatt
Charles Cremona
Today, 14:12
No politician in Malta has the guts to say truthfully what should be done, you are right Tony they should bulldoze the lot , this is stolen land, if this happened anywhere else in Europe especially in the UK that's what they will do, bulldoze the lot, with no arguments, but it will never happen in Malta because all politicians of all parties don't want to upset anyone.
E. Azzopardi
Today, 08:53
Half hearted with no commitment. That land belongs to ALL the PEOPLE and not just a few.
Should have been resolved long time ago. We were always told that they have to go.
Should have been resolved long time ago. We were always told that they have to go.
Reply to E. Azzopardi
Michael Camileri
Today, 08:29
It is simple....
Either knock the buildings down, or charge them a premium for the land.
Either knock the buildings down, or charge them a premium for the land.
Reply to Michael Camileri
Paul Camilleri
Today, 08:25
Always the same with Labour. They always sit on the fence and they never take sides. If the boathouses are illegal, Labour should take a stand and commit themselves to put them down. Not only the boathouses at Armier, but also all that illegal shanty town at San Tumas.
Reply to Paul Camilleri
M Formosa
Today, 08:23
What is there to solve? They are there illegal, they have ruined a piece of our countryside, the little we have left, they seem to be intimidating and bullying both parties. Just kick them out and fine them heavy.
Reply to M Formosa
T Farrugia
Today, 11:39
Just For your information M Formosa, Only 30% of the Maltese Islands Land is built on. So dont over exaggerate by saying the few country side we have. If you look around there's plenty of coutry side one can enjoy, you just have to know how to appreciate our island.
Raymond Sammut
Today, 12:49
@T Farrugia
One only has to Google Map Malta to find how very little is left for a population of 410K+ to enjoy the outdoors.
Much of the land which isn't built has roads running through it, or is leased, or is simply inaccessible to the average Maltese family. Your 30%, therefore, is simplistic and misleading.
The topic here is about pristine land adjacent to a lagoon and seized by bullies.
One only has to Google Map Malta to find how very little is left for a population of 410K+ to enjoy the outdoors.
Much of the land which isn't built has roads running through it, or is leased, or is simply inaccessible to the average Maltese family. Your 30%, therefore, is simplistic and misleading.
The topic here is about pristine land adjacent to a lagoon and seized by bullies.
Richard Caruana
Today, 07:00
I do not see what there is to solve - kick them out they are there illegally and they should be thankful they are not to pay the rent for all the years they occupied that place illegally
Reply to Richard Caruana
Chris Sammut
Today, 01:45
For how long the boat houses or summer houses have been there? Ages ... Both parties been in power and both had enough time to sort Armier out! The election is near so of course both say we ll find a solution!! As we say: U HALLUWNA!!!
Reply to Chris Sammut
Lino Busuttil
Today, 00:50
Well there is an Army out there that is paid to safeguard our constitution, our land and other public interest. I do not see anything to negotiate with land snatchers. The president if the Republic issues requisitions in the name of the state on private owners so how come he has no power to protect the public land from non legal owners!
Reply to Lino Busuttil
Edward Mallia
Today, 00:22
How can a Prime Minister give his word and enter into committments with people who are blatently breaking the law of the land. What does he promise when taking his oath of office? To enter into agreements and committments with law breakers? A pathetic display of governance, propped up by Dr. Muscat's belief that there is "a fair solution for all" -- leaving the basic "unfairness" untouched.
Reply to Edward Mallia
Carmelo Aquilina
Yesterday, 22:43
for solution for ALL ? do you mean like thieves should be allowed to keep some or most of what they've stolen ?
Reply to Carmelo Aquilina
Joseph Mifsud
Yesterday, 22:33
What will be the use of demolishing these boat houses? The envirement impact will be greater than leaving them?..
If demolished than what?
If demolished than what?
Reply to Joseph Mifsud
Franco Farrugia
Today, 11:15
Bring the area back to its quasi-original state!
Peter Murray
Yesterday, 22:01
Yeah right!This is the best one yet in the unachieveable and quickly forgotten pre-election pledges and has only seen the light of day thanks to AD's clear policy on this disgraceful situation.
Reply to Peter Murray
Joe Grech
Yesterday, 21:03
Dr. Lawrence Gonzi should be ashamed giving the Armier government land squatters a ''commitment'' to solve the problem. He did it in writing too!
This was a very bad step he took and certainly had no right to do it. Nobody - not even a Prime Minister - has the right to offer ''commitments' to people who break the country's laws.
This was a very bad step he took and certainly had no right to do it. Nobody - not even a Prime Minister - has the right to offer ''commitments' to people who break the country's laws.
Reply to Joe Grech
Peter Zahra
Today, 08:30
Before you leap into making sweeping statements, I suggest that you check the facts for who first signed written agreements with the Armier boathouse owners. For you info, it was Joe Mizzi and Alfred Sant that gave their assurances that these boathouses are there to stand. This agreement was signed in Nov 2002 and reconfirmed again in writing by Dr Alfred Sant in 29th May 2007 !!!