From the Times online Saturday, 29th May 2010 - 18:41CET
Proposed Qala project designed to serve private interests - NGOs
Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar and the Ramblers’ Association have deplored the Malta Environment and Planning Authority’s handling of the public consultation on the Environment Impact Assessment of the proposed hotel, villas, apartments, and yacht marina at Hondoq ir-Rummien.
They said in a statement that In view of the fact that a sizeable crowd was expected, the Qala school hall was chosen as a large enough venue.
“Why then, was part of the hall partitioned off, reducing the space available?
“By the time the public arrived, over half the seats were already occupied by the pro-development lobby, which meant that some members of the public were told they could not be accommodated. Why did it have to be Paul Buttigieg of Moviment Harsien Hondoq to demand that the partitions be removed, and not the Chairman of the MEPA session,” they asked.
The organisations asked why did MEPA’s chairman uphold the development lobby’s demand that not a word was to be said in English, one of Malta’s official languages, even though a good number of residents were foreigners.
The NGOs argued that while dangling the job-creation carrot to gain permits to build hotels in outside development zones (ODZ) was a common device, the reality was that many of these hotels were using foreign, low-wage staff, rather than Gozitans.
The NGOs echoed MEPA’s Natural Heritage Advisory Committee in condemning the EIA for its obvious bias in favour of the project.
A dangerous precedent was also being set by the building of a ‘temporary’ road for developers’ trucks to motor through green fields and potential archaeology sites, a state of affairs never permitted before.
Similarly dangerous was the probability of anti-fouling and other hazardous chemicals leaching into a yacht marina adjacent to a popular swimming beach.
The Traffic Impact Statement, they said, did not reflect the reality of Qala’s narrow village roads, already overwhelmed by heavy vehicles.
The NGOs maintained that a National Park at Hondoq, along with heritage trails, an amphitheatre, organic farming, nature study facilities and improved beach facilities, would not only create local jobs but would do far more to attract tourists to Gozo than further over-development.
But the proposed project was designed to serve the private interests of a few people.
“The EIA tries to give the impression that the public is being catered for, while in reality this project will ride roughshod over the wishes and well-being of the Qala residents and the vast majority of the residents of Malta and Gozo,” they said.
Victor Borg(10 hours, 25 minutes ago)
The truth is this: it's the government that wants this project, and it will simply favour a few well-connected people.
I did a long analytical article about these issues in Gozo. The article was published in Destinations of the World News ( a Dubai-based international tourism-trade magazine that is ready by 30,000 international movers and shakers in the tourism industry. In the article I analysed these projects as well as eco-Gozo, which is probably the greatest joke of our time in Gozo.
Read the article here:
Read it and you will notice another thing - no Maltese newspaper ever publish articles of this type - doesn't that strike you are odd?
Continue fighting to protect our islands from the vultures - these vultures are in government and they are sitting the wolves.
Victor Borg
Joe Fenech(10 hours, 54 minutes ago)
Isn't this VERY OBVIOUS!!!
Who would it benefit if not?
Create jobs for the locals? RUBBISH!!!! According to EU law you can't discriminate between locals and other EU nationals.
Stop taking the people for a ride!
Edward Camilleri(12 hours, 6 minutes ago)
Joe Morana(10 hours, 58 minutes ago)
Dak li ma rnexxilhux jkisser il- barrani se jeqirduh l-imprendituri u awtoritajiet Maltin.
Jekk hemm htiega ta' yacht marina ghax ma jkompliex jigi zivluppat il- port tal-Mgarr??? Ghajb!!!!.
C.Portelli(12 hours, 13 minutes ago)
Everyone knows your political affiliations, so your outing comes to me as no surprise........ I wonder though, whether you would have been so much in favour of such project should it have been proposed to take place further down the road where you live. Oh, I forgot. If Gonzi says yes you would have silently bowed your head too, no matter what!
How sadly pathetic.
Chris Finch(12 hours, 17 minutes ago)
You will soon find another construction in front of your nice view if the developers think they can get more money.
Bernard Storace(12 hours, 19 minutes ago)
If it is jobs they want to create in the hospitality business then they should start by replacing all the foreign blood currently employed in most of the hotels large and small; and elsewhere too.
Yes, it is true that the whole area, especially the valley, needs an uplift and a major cleanup but please not to the detriment of the entire area and the pleasure of countless hundreds who flock there in the summer months for their pleasure.
Could it be because, as EU citizens the foreigners are entitled to work anywhere in the EU ( Malta & Gozo included), just like Maltese / Gozitan citizens are entitled to, and do, work in other EU Countries ?
Could it be because, Maltese / Gozitans find it more financially beneficial to remain on Benefits with a little part time job on the side ??
Could it be because, unlike hospitality employees in other Countries, the Maltese / Gozitans, feel it is beneath them to serve / wait on foreigners ?.
Foreigners seem to manage paying the rent, running a car, feeding their Family, with an occasional night out, on the wages paid to them.
and to add insult to injury the powers that be expect the general public also known as the hoi polloi to thank them for the favour in return. What really hurts is the way these things are being done in a bare faced fashion and the environmental rapists aren't even trying to disguise their actions under subtlety at least.
Joseph Camilleri(23 hours, 28 minutes ago)
Good, so we go abroad to delight ourselves with the beauty of nature elsewhere, and expect turists to come over to enjoy ours - a sea that's getting filty, hotels and empty apartments, spoilt overtaken beaches, cranes and dust everywhere, a horizon that's getting unsightly, you name it.
" Developers Rule " okay !!
victor pulis(12 hours ago)
lesley kreupl(1 day ago)
It really is time for all parties involved to sit down together and discuss what is best for Gozo, and not for their own pockets. An awful lot of money has already been wasted on various things (?), but it is not too late to reach an amicable agreement.
Gozo has so much to offer, don't destroy it.
joe falzon(1 day, 2 hours ago)
Gaby Micallef Trigona(1 day, 2 hours ago)
lesley kreupl(1 day, 2 hours ago)
One hopes that such unruly behaviour doesn't reach the foreign press and that the representatives of the German company about to invest here don't read the local papers.
L. Causon(1 day, 2 hours ago)
charlie mizzi (9 hours, 59 minutes ago)
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