NGOs call on parties to agree to remove Armier squatters
The Environmental groups Ramblers' Association, Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Friends of the Earth, Din l-Art Helwa, Nature Trust have welcomed the decision by MEPA to turn down an application by Enemalta for a substation to be built in Armier which, they said, was intended to serve the squatter community there.
"We now urge the two main political parties to unite behind the move for the demolition of Armier's illegal township and to prove that they are able to place national before party interests. Environmental concerns cannot be dissociated from political ones especially in pre-election periods. The issue of usurped public land is of grave national importance and politicians who close their eyes to the misappropriation of public property are not working in the interest of their country but of their party."
The NGOs said the refusal of the Enemalta application for the Armier substation by the Mepa Board does not mean that the Armier problem has been solved.
"The squatters will now almost certainly intensify efforts to retain their illegal occupation of land which rightly belongs to all Maltese, by trying to hold politicians to ransom through the power of their voting numbers, as they did before the last general election.
"If the abuse committed at Armier is legalised, MEPA will lose the hard-earned credibility it has gained. Certainly MEPA will set a precedent which could render it unable to prevent or penalise any misappropriation of land that takes place anywhere else on the Maltese Islands."
The NGOs said continued control over the correct and legal use of property is crucial to the stability and prosperity of Malta and its people.
"In the prevailing circumstances political parties that put their interest above the national one cannot expect to enjoy the trust of environmental groups and their followers."
Today, 08:36
Once there was a project proposed for Armier to demolish all the illegal structures and build 400 smaller units . The present squatters would have the right of first refusal in the offers. This project made a lot of sense and would have created some order in the area. Like a holiday village managed by a cooprative. So what happened to this project?
Joseph Calleja
Yesterday, 15:43
If the NGOs are asking for MEPA to demolish the Armier illegal boat houses then they must also ask for the demolition of every other illegal boathouse built on public land on the islands of Malta and Gozo. Illegal is illegal everywhere, except in Malta and Gozo.. To be honest I think the NGOs are a bunch of dreamers if they think they can convince MEPA to accomplish such a challenge. MEPA belongs to and is run by the government, like any other political department does. Failing Air Malta is a good example. Another good example is Transport Malta and the fiasco it created. The courts, the prisons and so on and so forth. Too many votes in the way, too much politics and too much corruption in the government. Never happen.
M. Schembri
Yesterday, 14:52
"In the prevailing circumstances political parties that put their interest above the national one cannot expect to enjoy the trust of environmental groups and their followers."
That's what makes The Greens different.
Godfrey Camilleri
Yesterday, 13:44
I do not know why everybody is clapping hands saying that Mepa refused the application for a substation at Armier when all that Mepa did was telling Enemalta to find an alternative site, hereby indicating that if an application on an approved site is submitted, it will be approved. Hence the battle for the squatters removal is very far from being won.
M Farrugia
Yesterday, 13:38
Hbieb naf li dak li qed titolbu huwa genwin u minghajr interess politiku, imma nahseb li qeda titolbu izzejjed meta wiehed jaf kif jahdmu il-partit f'Malta. Keep on the pressure on both parties, this is the only solution.
Mario Sammut
Yesterday, 13:18
I ask the Labour Party !!!!! What is your position regarding the illegal squatting of one of the most beautiful parts of our island ???? I mean do you condone this type of land stealing ???? Tell us dear Joseph , what would you do with these tin huts taking up the best positions of Armier ??? You and your party seem to have all the answers to everything . I await in awe to read what you have to say .
Daniel Gaffarena
Yesterday, 16:09
Just so you know, most of those houses where built long before we where born and at a time where it was not illegal to build on that land, I don't think they should be taking them down, that would be a wrong move.
Peter Murray
Yesterday, 13:13
Whilst fully concurring with and supporting this stance by the NGO's is it not sadly a subjunctive wish?As what government now or in the future will grow a pair and take these socially - irresponsible land-grabbers on?
M Farrugia
Yesterday, 13:12
Telling both political parties to agree to remove Armier Squatters is something which for sure the political parties ill not agree on. At Armier there is a lot of votes for both political parties and for sure the votes are more important than the environment they preach in favour of.
Mariano Camilleri
Yesterday, 12:58
guys you will see what happens if it will be demolished when some business man will do something else there legally and you can do jack all to change it and wished it has been kept like this
city busuttil
Yesterday, 12:32
This Armier beach is one of the most beautiful parts of Malta and is lost to us if the situation remains as it is because the squatters behave as though it is private land, and it is the Authorities who have allowed this.
What has the Labour Party got to say about this? I demand to know. When I was walking through Bahar-ic-caghaq time ago, I was hissed and booed as though I was trespassing on this public land, such is the way they usurp the land. What has the LP promised to do?
Mr Steve Cassar
Yesterday, 12:20
Ma tarax jitilfu l-voti! Dawk importanti bhal tal-kaccaturi!
Ma tafux li l-politikanti maltin huma prigunieri ta nies bhal dawn u kaccaturi minhabba l-voti?
Issa iktar u iktar li aktarx gejja l-elezzjoni!
Ian Sullivan
Yesterday, 11:53
Lets hope the issue will be taken seriously and action taken to clean this place up. Bulldoze the whole lot of these ILLEGAL buildings...
C Cassar
Yesterday, 11:52
Surely the majority of Maltese (and EU) citizens are being discriminated against by not being able to access and enjoy public land? What has the EU to say about this?
George Debono
Yesterday, 11:25
Most of these people vote Labour anyway. Maybe these comments can be addressed to the MLP? Whoever is in Government cant afford to touch them, UNLESS both parties agree together that they must go. But who will do that now ? A pipe dream if ever there was one
Alan Vassallo
Yesterday, 11:16
jahasra kieku jkunu bungalows mibnijin sbieh jamlu atmosfera sabiha.... imma jekk huma kmamar mibnijin bit-tilqid ikerrhu l-ambjent qedin.. soluzjoni= bulldoze them down
Carmel Cilia
Yesterday, 11:25
Mr. Vassallo huwa anke fejn kien hemm area ta bungalows li taghxqek (qieghed nirreferi ghal Santa Marija Estate) il mepa ghamlet jungla tal concrete ahseb u ara kemm tista taghfdha kef qeghdin tghidu intkom. U Ohra jien ma nafx biex u fejn gabret gieha il-Mepa. Mela anke NGO lesti li jghawgu il-verita tal fatti jew. Mela insewwa il-Bicca ta dak ir-ras kbira fil P.N. li harbat il-Bahrija. Veru tal-Biki dan il-pajjiz.
Joseph Cauchi Senior
Yesterday, 11:13
I fully support the stand taken by these environmental NGOs to eradicate all the illegal buildings and structures not only in Armier Bay, but also all over the entire islands of Malta and Gozo.
The political parties should unite on this stand and make it a pledge in their political manifestos that such illegalities will not be tolerated any longer and the rule of law should always be obeyed.
It is time to take a stand and not for political parties to be held at ransom just for a few electoral votes!
All Maltese of good-will will be eternally grateful to these NGOs for their continuous and up-hill struggles against all odds.
Well done to all these NGOs for their courage and determination.
Thank you.
Carmelo Aquilina
Yesterday, 10:43
hear hear - let no political party sanction illegalities for the sake of a few more votes !
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