Sunday, 18 October 2009

Siggiewi Walk 18th October 2009

Distance: about 11km

Time: about 2:30

Walk Leader: Felix

Hax-Xluq Chapel

Il-Kappella ta’ San Niklaw

Tal Providenza

Laferla Cross, known as Is-Salib ta' L-Gholja

The way of the Cross

Sammy explaining the features of the area

Tal Lunzjata, a disused chapel, near the Cross.

Inscription on a statue at the bottom of the hill leading to the Laferla Cross

L-erwieh tal purgatorju

1 comment:

Alan Bonnici said...

For additional photos visit

For some dynamic statistics including a map showing the route we took check out

Some information for those who like numbers:

Start time- 18.10.09 09:35
Duration- 2 h 19 min 35 s
Distance- 11.18 km
Speed (average)- 4.8 km/h
Speed (max)- 17.2 km/h
Pace (average)- 12 min 29 s / km
Pace (max)- 3 min 29 s / km
Altitude (min)- 125 m
Altitude (max)- 263.5 m